How do we weigh on a species level? Individual and group dynamics are so different, but are we sustainable as a group? Are we descending into an existential struggle or heading towards a progressive future in the light of catastrophe? What part does each one of us as individuals play in the context of the whole and what is the nature of the role of collective consciousness in contemporary times of stress? These are questions that come into play as I bring this work together.
On the third day, I developed the composition further, trying not to repeat patterns but maintain a rhythm that might give the impression of repetition… a little like nature. I think I had ruminated over the concept long enough for it to come without hesitation.
The one challenge I have is handling and mounting it on the porcelain stand I have for it. this may prove tricky but I think I know how I can manage it. I cannot lay the work in progress on its side, so I need to raise it off the turntable in order to be able to work on the underneath.
I am finding myself spending around three to four hours a day on it after having attended to all other matters to do with preparing the show, documenting and other things. This means I should have it roughed out by the end of next week, Friday. Then begins the long process of finishing.