
The symposium video is an important milestone. It has led to so many things. One of them is the realisation, or should I say, the clarification of what a performance might be. Early in the course, I had thought of dancing with some sort of bronze piece giving it the illusion of weightlessness. This was all well and good, but to what end, how did it integrate with the other ideas in my project proposal?

A year and a half later, through sublimation and sublation, I ‘intuitively’ arrived at using a piece of Logos as an echo chamber for breath chanting. This was no accident or a moment of desperation as to what to do. It was a galvanising instance of synthesis that had gestated over a period from well before when the post Sound from Far and Within was written. And with this, I have another addition to my practice that integrates fully with its other elements. What are those? anthropology, ritual, sound, sculpture, atavism, language…